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Christian Study For God's Children

Three Wise Men – Following The Star Of Bethlehem To Jesus

The Wise Men, Or Magi In The Bible

Star of Bethlehem - Matthew 2:10 - When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceedingly great joy!

The prophecies of a coming Great King were known around the civilized world. So it should be no surprise that Wise Men were looking for the signs of the birth of this King. The Wise Men, or Magi, had a keen interest in stars, celestial phenomena, and what they meant to people on Earth. They noticed the arrival of a new star. Recognizing its significance, they immediately set out to find the new King, and worship Him.

The Biblical story of the Wise Men, also known as Epiphany, can be found in the book of Matthew. Learn more about the journey of the Magi below.

We Three Kings Of Orient Are – Following Yonder Star

There are only 12 verses in Matthew (Matthew 2:1-12) concerning these visitors from the East who came to worship Jesus, using a star as a guide. But there has been so much religious tradition created over the years, that its sometimes difficult to separate truth from fiction. For instance, it is largely assumed that there were 3 Magi. Tradition even names them: Balthazar, Caspar, and Melchior. Whole legends have been imagined of them being kings representing the entire Gentile world. From carols to Nativity sets, you see three kings with their gifts, together with the shepherds and Jesus in a manger. When Scripture clearly indicates that the Magi arrived after the family found a house, and they worshipped a small child, not a baby. Enjoy the traditions, but always go back to the Word for the Truth.

Who Were The Magi Or Wise Men?

The Magi were an elite group of intellectuals, very wealthy and powerful, who likely descended from the Wise Men or Priests of Babylon. Daniel was one of their early leaders. They studied the stars, ancient prophecies, and were known as experts in understanding dreams. Among their many activities was advising kings. They knew the ancient prophecies. And there were many of a coming great King that would rule the world. So when the celestial signs indicated His time had come, and a star appeared in the sky, they knew they had to go worship the new Sovereign.

Magi possessed so much might and political clout that, if they chose to do so, and if they, as a group, agreed to it, they had the ability to depose a king with a single word. Or with a single word, they could install a new king of their preference in the place of the one they deposed. Indeed, they were viewed as king-makers in Eastern lands. Without their endorsement, it would have been difficult for anyone to become or to remain king.

Rick Renner, Christmas – The Rest of The Story, 1st Edition. (Shippensburg, PA: Harrison House 2022) 200

Wise Men Of The East Arrive In Jerusalem

Sticking with the Biblical account, we see a group of people who studied the stars traveling East following a new star. It seemed to move before them, and then pause above Israel. These were men of means, carrying expensive gifts for a King. It is unlikely there were only three. At minimum they would have been accompanied by servants and guards for protection. There was safety in numbers as they traveled across the dangerous wilderness. They reached Jerusalem, which from their perspective was the likely home of the new King. And also, the star may have appeared to them as above Jerusalem, since Bethlehem was only 5 miles away. This is likely why they were asking all over Jerusalem, Where is He Who has been born King of the Jews? For we have seen His star in the east at its rising and have come to worship Him.

NOW WHEN Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, wise men [astrologers] from the east came to Jerusalem, asking,
2 Where is He Who has been born King of the Jews? For we have seen His star in the east at its rising and have come to worship Him.

Matthew 2:1-2 <AMP>

All of Jerusalem was disturbed by their arrival and the questions. Three Wise Men likely would not disturb all of Jerusalem. But an entourage of strangers asking about a new King, would certainly disturb the entire city, and news of it would reach the current King, Herod. He was already someone consumed with retaining the throne at any cost. Anyone who thought they were the king, or challenged his authority, would be dealt with swiftly.

King Herod met with the Magi and asked about the their journey and the timing of the star’s arrival. The Magi then asked where was the new King. Herod asked the religious leaders where the Messiah was to be born. They quoted Micah 5:2, And you Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, you are not in any way least or insignificant among the chief cities of Judah; for from you shall come a Ruler (Leader) Who will govern and shepherd My people Israel. (Matthew 2:6 AMP)

On To Bethlehem – King Herod’s Request

7 Then Herod sent for the wise men [astrologers] secretly, and accurately to the last point ascertained from them the time of the appearing of the star [that is, how long the star had made itself visible since its rising in the east].
8 Then he sent them to Bethlehem, saying, Go and search for the Child carefully and diligently, and when you have found Him, bring me word, that I too may come and worship Him.

Matthew 2:7-8 <AMP>

Once the Wise Men heard the prophecy from Micah, they were ready to leave for Bethlehem, eager to find the new King. But Herod, always the schemer, wanted some basic information – when did the star appear? He then asked them to find the child, and then come and tell him, so he could worship Him. The Wise Men agreed, but with an unease about the situation. They wanted to find the child, and likely appreciated the extra help, but it was obvious that their motives were far different from Herod’s. There was no way King Herod would allow anyone to be called King in his domain while he was alive. Plus, they were bearing gifts for the New King. There was no telling how much wealth would land at the feet of this new rival, possibly enough to finance a rebellion!

O Star Of Wonder, Star Of Night; Star With Royal Beauty Bright; Westward Leading, Still Proceeding; Guide Us To Thy Perfect Light

After the detour at Jerusalem, and the awkward visit with King Herod, the Magi were back on mission heading towards Bethlehem. With the village’s close proximity to Jerusalem, it was difficult to distinguish the precise location. But tradition steps in for an explanation.

The further item in the narrative, to the effect that “the star went before them till it came and stood over where the young child was,” is explainable in the same way. The short distance of some six miles between Jerusalem and Bethlehem would make so little difference in the observation of a vertical star that it would be impossible to note it without special astronomical appliances. Hence, when these followers of the star came to Jerusalem, they had gone as near to the spot they were searching for as their natural observation could serve to bring them. Accordingly, the record implies that there they somehow lost the benefit of the star’s leading, so that they applied to Herod for further information. Their light from the observance of the stars being in this way exhausted, they would naturally betake themselves to the reigning sovereign there to learn the specific locality in which this sublime Prince was born, being assured by their starry guidance that it must needs be somewhere in that immediate vicinity. And having obtained answer that Bethlehem was the exact place indicated by sacred prophecy, they set out for Bethlehem.

But on their way to Bethlehem, by some means or other, to their great joy, their star began to serve them again the same as it did before. How this came about is explained by a well-preserved and beautiful old tradition which we have no reason to discredit.

Though Bethlehem is only about six miles from Jerusalem, it is said that these distinguished visitors stopped on the way, and tarried by the side of a deep well. What they halted for in so short a journey it would be hard to tell, except it was to take another midnight observation of their star. For this purpose the well, with its perpendicular walls, would serve them the same as a fixed observatory. It was by means of such a well, and the reflection of the sun in it, at Syene in Egypt, that the line of the tropic was determined, and the extent of its declination in the time that had elapsed since that well was dug. So these wise men, by looking down the well, and observing the reflection of their bright star in the still water at the bottom, could find with great accuracy whether it was exactly vertical over them, or in what respect, if any, it was not. And so the tradition is, that they looked into the well and saw their star, and perceived that it “stood over”—was exactly vertical at—not Jerusalem, but Bethlehem, “where the young child was.” Making it designate the house is not in the record.

Joseph A. Seiss, The Gospel in the Stars; Or, Primeval Astronomy, Fifth Edition. (New York: Charles C. Cook, 1910), 440–442.

Did The Magi Go To Bethlehem, Or Nazareth?

This is where so many folks have missed it. Down through the ages people read into the account what they wanted to see. Everyone assumes the Wise Men traveled to Bethlehem where Jesus was born. Why? Because it makes for some very nice Nativity scenes, plays, stories, and artwork. But the truth is, after Joseph and Mary fulfilled the Law, visited the Temple and heard Simeon and Anna’s prophetic Blessing, they returned to Nazareth. Its been there for 2,000 years – right there in your Bible. (Luke 2) The key verse (39) – And when they had done everything according to the Law of the Lord, they went back into Galilee to their own town, Nazareth.

Now, switch back to Matthew’s account of the Wise Men. Remember, they left when the star appeared announcing the birth of Jesus. They had to travel at least 1,000 miles by caravan, a trip that can take months. By the time they reach Jerusalem, Jesus’ family was back at THEIR home in Nazareth. Jesus was now a toddler, maybe 2 years old when the Wise Men finally found Him.

But before we jump to the gifts, consider their arrival in Jerusalem. They assumed Jesus was in Jerusalem. And they aggressively asked the people for his whereabouts. The Magi stopped following the star! That was God leading them to where they needed to go. Instead, they turned to men for the answers and got man’s best – where Jesus was born. But it had been almost two years. He wasn’t there anymore. As they left Jerusalem, something amazing happened. They put there eyes back on the star. And it led them to Nazareth – precisely to the home of Jesus!

9 When they had listened to the king, they went their way, and behold, the star which had been seen in the east in its rising went before them until it came and stood over the place where the young Child was.
10 When they saw the star, they were thrilled with ecstatic joy.

Matthew 2:9-10

Wise Men leaving Jerusalem following the star to Nazareth.

The Magi Gave Him Gifts—Gold, Frankincense, And Myrrh

11 And on going into the house, they saw the Child with Mary His mother, and they fell down and worshiped Him. Then opening their treasure bags, they presented to Him gifts—gold and frankincense and myrrh.
Matthew 2:11 <AMP>

After the long journey, the Wise Men were very happy to finally reach their destination. The Bible records that when they saw the star again, they were thrilled with ecstatic joy. (Matthew 2:10) Mary and Joseph were no longer in a stable, but back at their house. The Bible describes Jesus as a child, no longer a baby. Epiphany is celebrated 12 days after Christmas. But their journey may have taken several months to arrive by camel, assuming they came from Persia – which has often been suggested.

They worshiped the child, thrilled to meet God’s Gift to the world. Then it was time to present Him with gifts. When visiting or paying homage to a king, it was customary to overwhelm him with gifts. The Queen of Sheba brought Solomon and estimated $72 million in Gold. And then many precious stones and spices, whose value could have surpassed that of the Gold! God promised Wisdom and Prosperity for Solomon, and His Word is Always TRUTH. (1 Kings 3:7-14) So what would this entourage of Magi bring to the King of the Earth, God’s Son?

Its been fashionable for centuries for religion to preach poverty, and use the Nativity of Jesus as proof that there is somehow nobility in poverty. This was done primarily to keep the peasants satisfied with whatever scraps were left, after their sovereign grabbed his share, followed by demands of any religious tyrants. Poor people are far less likely to revolt when they think there is a spiritual benefit to being destitute. But that is wrong in so many ways. Jesus was born in a stable because the rooms were full. As a righteous Jewish man, a skilled artisan (not carpenter), there is no reason to think the family was broke. And from the very moment Jesus entered the world, God had a small army of folks bringing magnificent wealth to Him. God knows what you need before you even ask! (Matthew 6:7-8)

In art and entertainment, the Wise Men are often shown carrying little trinkets, or gift boxes. Its hard to find any image that does not follow this pattern. But the Magi were visiting the KING of Kings. They traveled as much as 1,000 miles, a multi-month journey from their homes. They brought treasures and gifts (both plural) worthy of the Son of God. It was customary to offer royalty fine furniture, exotic fabrics, spices, precious metals, gilded weapons, and many other items of great value. Matthew only lists three specific items – gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Each having a specific meaning for Jesus. Pure gold was very expensive, so it was always given to royalty. Frankincense was burned as incense in the Temple in worship of God. Myrrh was used to anoint the dead symbolizing Jesus’ eventual sacrifice for humanity. All three were very expensive, and mentioned for their symbolism by Matthew. It is very unlikely that those three items were the complete inventory of gifts, considering the source, and their normal behavior around nobility. After the Wise Men left, an Angel told them to flee to Egypt to avoid Herod’s rage.

The Wise Men Take A Different Path Home

12 And receiving an answer to their asking, they were divinely instructed and warned in a dream not to go back to Herod; so they departed to their own country by a different way.
Matthew 2:12 <AMP>

The Wise Men’s experience with King Herod had left them doubting his sincerity. And in a dream, they received the confirmation they needed – don’t return to King Herod. They packed up their camels and left for their country, going a different way to avoid Herod’s spies.

It did not take long for King Herod to realize that the Wise Men were not coming back. In a demonic rage, he ordered all male children two and under, in and around Bethlehem, to be slaughtered. (Matthew 2:13-18) The age was based on the first appearance of the star, as reported by the Magi. The Holy family was likely already in, or getting very close to Egypt and out of harm’s way. I can’t prove it Scripturally, but I believe God warned other folks in Bethlehem, and maybe a few others escaped who were obedient to the warning. The best lesson that can be taken from this event is always listen to God, and take His warnings seriously. And when possible choose leaders of the highest integrity, folks who value Life and Truth.

If you were raised to believe Jesus and his family were poor, borderline destitute, this will be a shock. It might even sound like heresy. But God knew what He was doing. When Herod realized that the Magi would not return as they promised, he felt betrayed. Not only did he order the slaughter of boys around Bethlehem, but he sent his spies and assassins all over the region hunting Jesus. The Holy family would live in Egypt for three years, constantly changing locations to stay safe. The wealth brought by the Magi was necessary to cover their costs – food, housing, transportation, and supplies during their time away. After the death of Herod, an angel came to Joseph in a dream, telling him the family could return to Israel. They came back and settled in Nazareth in Galilee, outside the dominion of Herod’s son Archelaus, who was now the King instead of Herod.

13 Now after they had gone, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said, Get up! [Tenderly] take unto you the young Child and His mother and flee to Egypt; and remain there till I tell you [otherwise], for Herod intends to search for the Child in order to destroy Him.
Matthew 2:13 <AMP>

Dates For Epiphany And Related Events

Epiphany for the 2023 Christmas season is celebrated on Saturday, January 6th. The other important events of the Christmas season include:

Advent – (12/3-12/24) Preparation for Christ’s arrival.
Christmas Eve – (12/24) The Night Before Christmas.
Christmas Day – (12/25) Celebration of the birth of Jesus.
The Twelve Days of Christmas – (12/25-1/5) Twelve days starting Christmas night until the day before Epiphany.

Epiphany – (1/6) Also known as Three Kings’ Day celebrates the visit of the Magi.

Read the Epiphany story in five popular translations – AMP, KJV, HCSB, NIV, The Message:


Matthew 2 – Visit of the Magi and escape to Egypt.

Read the Old Testament Prophecies Related To the Visit of the Magi

Micah 5:2 – Bethlehem would be the birthplace.

Psalm 72:10-11 – Kings will present him gifts.

Jeremiah 31:15 – The massacre of Bethlehem’s children.

Hosea 11:1 – The escape to Egypt.

Check out all the wonderful Christian content linked below and learn more about the visit of the wise men.

Children’s Bible Stories – Scriptures and Adaptations of the Epiphany Story

The Wise Men – A Bible paraphrase for kids

Children’s Stories – Original Fiction Based on the Wise Men Story

Heli, The Star Of Bethlehem – A little star’s faith in God is rewarded when she is selected to be the Christmas star and announce Jesus’ birth. A little star learns that God doesn’t look for the biggest or the brightest, but those willing to put their complete faith in what He can do in their lives.

The Three Camels – A story about the camels that carried the Magi to see Jesus. Includes links to a Bible lesson based on the story. The camels asked God to send them on a great adventure and boy did He ever!

Children’s Activities, Crafts, Coloring Pages, Music, Plays & Poetry for the Magi Story

The Three Wise Men – Bible coloring page

The Christmas Star – How to make a Christmas Star

Heli, The Star Of Bethlehem – A Christmas play based on an adaptation of a Christmas story (see link above in fiction category) about a little star who is chosen to announce the birth of Jesus.

The Three Camels – A Christmas play based on an adaptation of a Christmas story (see link above in fiction category) about the three wise men and their camels: Erin, Nina, and Penda.

Children’s Sermons & Lessons on the Epiphany Story

The Three Camels – An Animal Parable Bible lesson based on the story above – a parable about seeing the whole picture

The Wise Men – Background info on the Wise Men from AnniesHomePage.com – dedicated page

Wise Men Worship Jesus – A presentation on Epiphany

Wise Men – A Bible lesson on the wise men

Devotions, Discussions & Sermons and Other Resources About Epiphany and Christmas

Christmas Resources For Teachers – Christmas stories and activities

Christmas Resources For Teachers #2 – Christmas stories, poems, skits, activities and much more

Christmas Resources – Links to Christian Christmas resources and ideas

Christian Christmas Resources – Links to Christian Christmas resources and ideas

Christmas Poems And Stories – A collection of classic poems and stories

Christmas Short Stories – Christmas articles and stories from Joyful Heart Renewal Ministries

The Birth Of Jesus – An article by Daniel B. Wallace, PhD on the birth of Christ

The Coming Of Christ – A sermon by Rev. H A Matney (1868-1951) based on Luke 2:7&11

The Birth Of Salvation – A sermon by Rev. H A Matney (1868-1951) based on Luke 2:8-20

The Search For Christ – A sermon by Rev. H A Matney (1868-1951) based on Matthew 2:1-12

The Origin Of “Xmas” – An article that debunks the urban legends concerning the symbol “X” in place of Christ. Good reading in preparation for all the Christmas chain emails claiming an evil plot to remove Christ from Christmas.

The Magi And The Star Of Bethlehem – A lesson on the Wise Men

The Christmas Star – A thorough site that discusses the Christmas star

The Christmas Season – A nice overview of traditions and meaning of the Christmas season

Unitarians and Episcopalians Created American Christmas – An article tracing the evolution of Christmas traditions via religious denominations.

The Season Of Advent – An excellent source for information on Advent and related Church customs for the Christmas season

The Twelve Days Of Christmas – An overview of customs and history surrounding the Twelve Days of Christmas including the song by the same name

Wise Men Went Back “Another Way” – A devotion on how God changes lives based on the wise men story from Pen Holder Ministries.

When Magi Camped in Bethlehem – An article by Dr. Ralph F. Wilson on the story of the Three Wise Men

The Wise Men – Separating truth from myth about the wise men.

The Magi or Wise Men – Info on the wise men from the Catholic encyclopedia

How did the wise men know to come? – An informative discussion on prophecy and the wise men

What does Bible study really teach us about the ‘star of Bethlehem’? – A short post about the Star of Bethlehem and the journey of the Wise Men to Bethlehem

Why do people think Christ was somehow poor when he was a carpenter which was high paying back then? – A post discussing God’s provision for Jesus through the gifts of the Magi

Epiphany – Through the eyes of the secular world

Nativity of Jesus In Art – Nativity artwork throughout history

Nativity Scene – The origins of the nativity scene

Video Adaptation Of Heli, The Star Of Bethlehem

See also Luke 1:26-38 – Conception of JesusChristmasThe Nativity Story

Meme Source Bible Verses To Go

Images: www.LumoProject.com

Search for Other Christian Web Sites.

Suggested Search Terms: Wise Men, Magi, Epiphany, Christian Stories for Epiphany, Visit of the Magi, Children’s Christmas Stories, Epiphany Sermons for Kids, Christmas Crafts, Projects for Epiphany, Wise Men Sermons, Nativity, Mary, Joseph, Three Kings, Epiphany Lessons, Gold, frankincense, myrrh, Bethlehem, Angels, Star of Bethlehem, King Herod

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  1. […] For more information about the religious reasons behind the Christmas holiday as well as a great list of links to helping kids understand these traditions, visit: http://kingskidstuff.com/christian/wise-men-epiphany/#comment-36439 […]

  2. Gary Gramlich says:

    I would like to use The Three Camels in some lessons I am writing who can you tell me who I can talk to for permission